Over time, this page will adapt and change with my practice. I’m also open to crafting a practice that fits us both.
Over time, this page will adapt and change with my practice. I’m also open to crafting a practice that fits us both.
Spiritual Direction is a space to rest with and hear from God. Are you recovering from an abusive or restrictive spiritual environment? Do you sense God inviting you into a more whole spirituality, but you don’t know what that means? Have you given up on God or feel that God has given up on you? Do you simply want to make your relationship with God a bigger priority? Spiritual Direction is a sacred place where we can listen for God together. The goal is wholeness, deeper rootedness in yourself and more intimacy with God.
Organic Intelligence® (OI) is a modern therapeutic approach designed to help people tap into their natural ability to heal and grow. Unlike traditional therapies that focus mainly on problems or past trauma, Somatic Coaching helps you connect with your body's natural resilience. OI uses a variety of techniques, such as mindfulness, guided imagery, and paying attention to physical sensations and movements. These methods help you become more aware of your body and emotions, allowing you to feel more regulated and agency.
We all move through different spaces with different experiences and histories. If you don’t see something that fits your needs, that’s okay. I’m always open to exploring new ways we might collaborate.