
spiritual direction

Spiritual direction creates space to listen deeply to your life's sacred story, recognizing that the divine wisdom you seek already lives within you.

what is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is a space to rest and listen for the Divine—however you understand it. If you're recovering from religious harm, longing for a deeper spiritual life, or questioning what faith means for you now, this is a place to bring your wonderings, wounds, and hopes. Together, we listen for what is emerging in your soul. The goal isn’t answers, but deeper rootedness in yourself and in the sacred, however you name it. You don’t have to believe the “right” things to belong here.

who is this for?

Spiritual direction is for anyone seeking deeper connection, healing, or clarity in their spiritual life. It’s especially for those deconstructing harmful beliefs, reconstruction supportive spiritual practices, navigating faith transitions, or longing for a spirituality that integrates body, justice, and wholeness. Whether you feel close to the Divine, distant, uncertain, or spiritually homeless, this is a space to be fully yourself.

I welcome people of all backgrounds and particularly create space for QTBIPOC folks, anyone recovering from religious trauma or purity culture and those seeking to create embodied spiritual practices.

session information

Commitment Level

Typically we meet monthly, but rhythm is flexible. Each session is 50 minutes.

Average Cost

$100 - $175 per session. (Where do you fall on the sliding scale?)

frequently asked questions

what is spiritual direction vs. therapy?

Therapy focuses on mental health, emotional healing, and past wounds, while spiritual direction is about deepening your relationship with yourself and the sacred. It’s not about fixing problems, but about listening, noticing, and being curious about what is emerging in your life and practice.

do you have to be a particular religion to do spiritual direction?

Not at all. You don’t need to belong to any religion or hold specific beliefs. I come from a Christian and Buddhist background, so that is what I'm most familiar with, but I value all sacred truth. Whether you come from a Christian background, another tradition, or no tradition at all, spiritual direction is about honoring your own sacred path.

what does a typical spiritual direction session look like?

A session is a spacious conversation where we listen together for what is moving in your spirit. You might bring a question, an experience or simply an observation from your day. Through deep listening, reflection, and sometimes silence or simple contemplative practices, we make space for what wants to be heard. Sessions are not about advice-giving but about making room for your own wisdom to emerge.

book an offering with me

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